FL Studio Shortcuts: Top Hacks To Make Music Faster (2024)

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Maximizing efficiency in FL Studio is crucial for producers aiming to streamline their workflow. Shortcuts are indispensable tools that allow professionals to translate their creative visions into reality with remarkable speed. Here, we delve into some of the top FL Studio shortcut hacks to elevate your productivity in 2024.

1. Standard File shortcuts

Beginning with the fundamentals, familiarize yourself with these standard file shortcuts:

  • CTRL + O: Open a project
  • CTRL + S: Save a project
  • CTRL + SHIFT + S: Save as a new project
  • CTRL + SHIFT + R: Export as MP3 file
  • CTRL + R: Export your composition as a WAV file
  • CTRL + SHIFT + M: Export as MIDI file
  • CTRL + SHIFT + H: Rearrange open
  • CTRL + Z: Revered Undo function, essential for rectifying mistakes. Redo by pressing it a second time or undo step-by-step with CTRL + ALT + Z.


2. Navigating FL Studio

Navigating FL Studio efficiently can significantly enhance your productivity by minimizing time spent searching for samples, browsing plugins, and managing windows. 

  • F5: Open/close the playlist
  • F6: Open/close the channel rack
  • F7: Open/close the piano roll
  • F9: Open/close the mixer
  • F8: Browse plugins

3. Browsing through samples

Browsing through samples can be a time-consuming endeavor, especially when dealing with disorganized sample folders. Here’s a short guide to help streamline your sample selection process in FL Studio:

  • ALT + F8: Open the Sample browser menu
  • UP/DOWN arrows: Navigate between sample folders
  • RIGHT arrow: Open a folder
  • UP/DOWN arrows: Demo samples
  • ENTER: Load sample in channel rack
  • BACKSPACE: Navigate back through sample browsing history
  • CTRL + UP: Collapse all sample folders

4. Playback and Recording

When it comes to playback and recording in FL Studio, mastering shortcuts can significantly enhance your workflow. Here are some essential shortcuts to help you navigate through playback and recording tasks efficiently:

  • SPACEBAR: Play/pause
  • CTRL + ENTER: Stop playback “in place”
  • CTRL + M: Enable/disable metronome
  • CTRL + P: Enable metronome pre-count before recording
  • CTRL + H: Emergency stop

5. Mixer Shortcuts

Maintaining a well-organized mixer is essential for efficient workflow in FL Studio. Here are some invaluable shortcuts to help you manage your mixer effectively:

  • F2: Rename/recolor mixer track
  • S: Solo mixer track
  • CTRL + SHIFT + S: Save FX chain as preset
  • CTRL + E: Open Edison in any mixer track
  • CTRL + L: Instantly link any sample or plugin to the selected track, eliminating the need for manual linking.
  • ALT + LEFT or RIGHT: Moving Mixer Tracks
  • ALT + S: Solo the current track and all linked tracks simultaneously, allowing for focused listening during mixing and editing sessions.

6. Playlist and Arranging Shortcuts:

Mastering shortcuts for the playlist in FL Studio can significantly enhance your efficiency when arranging your music. Here’s a breakdown of some essential shortcuts to streamline your workflow:

  • B: Paint tool (brush)
  • P: Draw tool (pencil)
  • C: Slicing tool (cut)
  • S: Slip edit tool
  • ALT: Bypass snapping to grid
  • ALT + T: Add time marker
  • ALT + / or *: Jump between time markers
Arranging shortcuts:
  • CTRL + C: Copy selection
  • CTRL + V: Paste selection
  • CTRL + X: Cut selection (removes and copies)
  • SHIFT + M: Enable/disable stretching mode

Working efficiently with channels and the step sequencer in FL Studio is crucial for smooth music production. Here are some essential shortcuts to help you navigate and manipulate channels and patterns effectively:


  • 0 to 9: Mute or unmute channels 1 to 10
  • CTRL + 0 to 9: Solo channels 1 to 10
  • ALT + G: Group selected channels
  • ALT + Z: Zip selected channels
  • ALT + U: Unzip selected channels
  • ALT + C: Clone selected channel

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