How to Get Your Music Featured on Spotify Playlists

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Spotify playlists are the most direct route to big steaming numbers. And yet I hear a story much too often: a producer finishes a new song, they send it to their distributor to go up on Spotify, and on release day, they just don’t get the streams on the track that they think it deserves. It’s tough to not feel a little disappointed. 

The key to getting plays on Spotify isn’t begging your friends to share the track on social media, and it’s definitely not running Instagram ads to get it in front of more people. its about getting featured in Spotify playlists.

In this blog we discuss about how to get your music onto Spotify playlists and shares essential tips to increase your chances of being featured.

1. Get Verified

The checkmark next to your name not only affirms your authenticity but also allows you to manage your artist page with ease. It opens doors to insightful statistics, fan engagement data, and the opportunity to submit your songs gracefully to Spotify’s editorial team for playlist consideration.

2. Stay Active on Spotify

The more actively you participate on Spotify and have your songs featured in playlists, the higher the likelihood of attracting attention from both human curators and the algorithm. Consistently release new music, even if it’s in the form of singles or EPs. Concentrate on promoting your artist page and growing your Spotify following to ensure that your latest tracks surface on your followers’ Release Radar.

Especially in the initial stages, focus on accumulating social proof to establish a robust foundation for the long term. Share your Spotify artist page on your website, across all your social media platforms, and incorporate it into occasional email newsletters to your fan base.

While getting featured on the big, official playlists is the dream for most artists, algorithmic playlists drive a staggering number of listens. So if you simultaneously work the algorithm and pitch independent curators in your niche, you’ll be much more likely to pick up steam and get noticed by some of the more influential curators, or even Spotify’s own editorial team.

First, set aside a chunk of time to do some listening and research. Find playlists that you think your music would genuinely be a perfect fit for. Once you’re feeling good about the list you have, make a note of which playlists are algorithmic and which are curated.

For the algorithmic playlists, your best bet is to build up as much buzz and as many followers as you can, both on and off Spotify. For the human-curated playlists, find out who created them (the username will be linked right at the top, under the playlist title and description) and whether they’re open to pitches.

If you’re on good terms with any sort of publicist, manager, label executive, or other industry person who knows a relevant curator, work those connections first. Otherwise, track down the contact info for the curators on your list who accept submissions, and write each of them a personalized pitch explaining why your song would be perfect for their playlist.

The guidelines for this are essentially the same as when you pitch music journalists, talent buyers, or anyone else. Put yourself in their shoes, and figure out why they should care about this particular email from an artist they don’t know, especially when they have an inbox chock-full of similar emails. It’s clear what the benefit is for you, but what’s the benefit for them?

Communicate your authenticity and that you’ve actually taken the time to listen to their playlist. Keep your message fairly brief, but be specific about what you’re asking, and make it as easy as possible for them to say “yes.”

5. Submit to Spotify's Editorial Team

With a verified Spotify for Artists account, you can go through Spotify’s formal (and free) process to submit your unreleased song for playlist consideration.

Regardless of whether your song gets selected for an editorial playlist, submitting the form guarantees that it’ll get added to all of your followers’ Release Radar playlists, which in turn sends positive signals to the algorithm.

6. Maintain Online Presence and PR Efforts

If you do manage to snag a playlist feature, no matter how small, do everything you can to leverage it and keep that momentum going. Shout it from the rooftops on all your channels, and thank the curator to show them how much it means to you.

If you haven’t gotten any traction yet with playlist features, don’t panic or give up. It may seem like artists go viral overnight, but honing your craft and building real buzz takes time. Remember that playlisting is just one part of your strategy; maintaining your online presence and working on your big-picture PR efforts will all feed into Spotify’s algorithm.

Bonus: Make your own playlists!

As you build your Spotify presence, don’t forget that you can also create your own public playlists and feature them on your verified artist page. It’s a great way to engage with your fans and also show support for fellow indie musicians.

You’ll want most of your playlists to feature other artists’ songs, with just a couple of your own tracks thrown into each. Spotify recommends aiming for about 25 songs, but no more than 100.

You can curate playlists around just about any theme, but we’d recommend starting simple with a genre, mood, or activity. 

You can even collaborate on playlists with other artists, and multiply your efforts by cross-promoting it to each other’s audiences. It’s a win-win all around!


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